Arkansas First Lady Ginger Beebe: A Conversation

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Arkansas First Lady Ginger Beebe in the Garden at the Governor's Mansion
Arkansas First Lady Ginger Beebe in the Garden at the Governor's Mansion

M!: Congratulations on being honored as 2011 Woman of the Year by Women and Children First. You have said you hope to be the voice of women and children who have been silenced by domestic violence. What is the most inspiring experience you have had in this regard? What would you like to say to the women of NW Arkansas who are either victims of domestic violence or who, like you, are working to fight against it?

Ginger Beebe: I have been inspired by so many marvelous people in our state who provide support for women and children’s facilities; so they may begin their journey to healing. Please seek out these shelters which can offer you protection, encouragement and education.

M!: You also promote healthy habits. What has been your most marvelous discovery from the garden in this regard?

Ginger Beebe: I am amazed at how easy it is to grow a garden, yet it requires work to maintain and in turn allows you to exercise and reap the benefits of healthy foods. It has been a marvelous experience to watch the excitement in children whose schools have gardens incorporated into the school’s curriculum.

M! Jun/Jul 2011.

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